Reaching for chocolate


Never mind diamonds, chocolate is a girls best friend.

I’m here eating chocolate chips because I’m craving candy like no one’s business. Now I’m splitting a Snickers with my mom… ahaha, at least I’m sharing it 😀 (p.s. it’s my first snickers ever, lol!)

Nothing is really new here.. My university might go on strike tuesday, which means no classes, which is bad.

If the strike is prolonged, then they may extend the semester… which means that screws up final exam schedule, which means it affects my flight to Orlando in December!!!!!

Eeeeek! However, they still have time for negotiations before the strike happens, so I’m hoping and praying everything works out. And if God forbid there be a strike, then I hope it’s only a day… LOL… or 4 days max.

People in my classes are still freaky. That one guy I talked about before, well, he gets weirder and weirder. Today he tried making small talk to me, by telling me that his thanksgiving was awful and that he hates thanksgiving and he didn’t have a turkey and he didn’t leave the house (even if I was single, this conversation would have made me so uninterested)… He just seemed so negative. The prof overheard and told him “what are you saying to this young lady? is that what you talk to them about!?!?”… and he responded to the prof that he was “Catching up”. No. No. No.

In other words, it’s getting cold out. Which I don’t like either

But in more positive things, I see my bf in less than a month! WOO!! I like that!



And on a less than pleasant note, I definitely missed my period last month, and tonight I’m craving sweets like no one’s business. So guys, I’m taking that as a sign…. that the time is near.

And no, I don’t mean that I’m pregnant!